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ADA Accessible Clear Floor Space and Maneuvering Requirements

Fixture Clearances

Every fixture must have sufficient unobstructed floor space to allow for a wheelchair approach:

✅  General Requirement: A clear floor space of 30 inches by 48 inches is required in front of each fixture, such as sinks and dispensers.

✅  Toilet Clearances: In the accessible stall, the entire compartment must be free of obstructions to allow for smooth wheelchair maneuvering.

These clear areas prevent accidents by allowing ample room for a wheelchair to navigate around fixtures. This also supports independence, as users can approach and use facilities without interference from furniture or equipment.

Door Maneuvering Clearances

A full 60-inch turning circle is required within the restroom to allow a wheelchair user to make a complete turn. This turning space may be provided within the compartment or in the common area of a single-user restroom.

✅  Approach Space: The ADA requires an unobstructed space at the door that allows a wheelchair to get close to it (at least 18 inches of clear wall space on the latch side for a front approach).

✅  Door Swing: Ensure that the door does not swing into the required clear space for fixtures. When possible, use doors that swing outward or provide an alternative clear area if swinging inward.

Proper door clearance prevents the door from obstructing movement and ensures that users can open and close doors easily. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas where a blocked doorway can create safety hazards.

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