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ASI Global Partitions Measuring Guide
Partition Component Reference Guide

A - PANEL Choose an overall depth and subtract 2.5" to allow for pilaster and hardware gaps.
B - PILASTERS Support the panels and are needed to hang and latch doors.
C - DOORS 24" are used for compartments 32" to 40" wide; 36" are used for handicap compartments.
D - ONE EAR PILASTER BRACKET Required when a pilaster is fastened to a wall or perpendicular to another pilaster.
E - TWO EAR PANEL BRACKET or “T” bracket is used on all but the end panel.
F - ONE EAR PANEL BRACKET or “F” bracket is generally used on end panels to avoid seeing signs of mounting.
G - U BRACKET Perpendicular panel to pilaster mounting
H - HEADRAIL Runs across the top of the pilasters above panels and doors.
I - HEADRAIL RETURN KIT Fastens headrail to wall and each other.
ADA-Compliant Minimum Dimensions Typical Hardware Requirements:

• Pilaster-to-wall brackets
• Panel-to-wall brackets
• Panel-to-pilaster brackets
• Door hinge & ADA latch
• Reinforced panel for grab bar attachment
• Coat hook & bumper
• Outswing bumper
• Headrail & mounting bracket
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