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Toilet Partition
Layout Measurement Guide
Measurement Guide - Recessed Layout
Before You Begin:
- Sketch building wall locations. Note building walls with double hash marks.
- Mark approximate toilet locations in stall (Note: toilets should be located 18" from either side wall or side divider panel on barrier-free layouts).
- Sketch existing components (stiles, panels, doors). Remember to include door swings (left, right, inswing, outswing).
What to Measure:
- Side wall to side wall.
- Side wall to centerline of divider panel.
- Door opening (stile edge to stile edge).
- Compartment depth (back wall to front/outside edge of stile).
- Existing stile width.
HR1 - - Headrail runs across front width of compartments from wall to wall.

Measurement Guide - Corner Layout
Before You Begin:
- Sketch building wall locations. Note building walls with double hash marks.
- Mark approximate toilet locations in stall (Note: toilets should be located 18" from either side wall or side divider panel on barrier-free layouts).
- Sketch existing components (stiles, panels, doors). Remember to include door swings (left, right, inswing, outswing).
What to Measure:
- Side wall to outside edge of stile.
- Side wall to centerline of divider panel.
- Centerline of panel to outside of panel.
- Door opening (stile edge to stile edge).
- Compartment depth (back wall to front/outside edge of stile).
- Existing stile width.
HR1 - - Headrail runs across front width of compartment to outside edge of corner stile.
HR2 - - Headrail runs from back side of corner stile to back wall (over top of end panel).

Measurement Guide - Alcove Layout
Before You Begin:
- Sketch building wall locations. Note building walls with double hash marks.
- Mark approximate toilet locations in stall (Note: toilets should be located 18" from either side wall or side divider panel on barrier-free layouts).
- Sketch existing components (stiles, panels, doors). Remember to include door swings (left, right, inswing, outswing).
What to Measure:
- Side wall to side wall.
- Compartment depth (back wall to front/outside edge of stile).
- Door opening (stile edge to stile edge).
- Existing stile width.
HR1 - - Headrail runs across front width of compartments from wall-to-wall.
HR2 - - Headrail runs from back of stile to back wall.

Measurement Guide - Urinal Screen
Before You Begin:
- Sketch building wall locations. Note building walls with double hash marks.
- Mark a urinal screen between each urinal. For urinals next to a sink, include a urinal screen for privacy.
- The typical width dimension between each urinal screen is 30".
What to Measure:
- Back wall to front edge of urinal screen.

ADA Design Notes
1. Standard barrier-free compartment must be provided in every facility.
- 60" wide x 60" deep, clear.
- Centerline of toilet is 18" from one side of compartment.
- Door opening is opposite corner of toilet.
- Door opening must be 32" clear 34" – 37 1/2"
- Door opening must be no more than 4” from wall or panel inside edge
- (this means 3" wide stile with 1" wall gap or 1 1/2" wide wall post is only component that complies).

2. Alternate compartment must be provided in addition to barrier-free compartment in restrooms with 6 or more compartments.
- 36" inside clear width (wall-to-panel or panel-to-panel).
- Conventional depth acceptable but typically 66" depth recommended.
- Door opening must be 32" clear. With 36" compartment width, this requires
- 33 1/2"-34" door opening only.
- Must use 1 1/2" wall post to hinge door off wall.

Toilet Partition - Tips, Tricks, and Traps
Site Conditions:
The following site conditions should be checked and noted on your drawing, if applicable.
Minimum Compartment Depth - Inswing Doors
- Standard r ule for inswing doors is add 30” (distance from back wall to front of toilet) plus door opening size (stile edge to stile edge). This is the minimum toilet compartment depth required for the door to swing into compartment.
- If compartment is too shallow, need to increase compartment depth or change to outswing door.
Measurement Conventions
- Compartment widths are wall to wall; wall to centerline of panel; centerline of panel to centerline of panel.
- Compartment depths are back wall to outside (front edge) of stile.
- Door is opening size - stile edge to stile edge.
Ceiling Height
- Elevation for overhead-braced toilet compartments is 85” from finished floor to top of headrail - need to ensure ceiling height at least 88” or higher.
- For ceiling-hung or floor-to-ceiling anchored stiles, need to measure ceiling height from finished floor to finished ceiling.
- If floor slopes more than 1” across front of compartments, provide finished floor-to-ceiling measurements at each stile location in layout.
Wall-to-Wall Measurements
- When toilet partitions are recessed between two building walls, the critical measurement is the smallest space between walls.
- Measure wall-to-wall dimensions along the line of the stiles and doors in the toilet compartment (the front).
- Room treatments that will affect measurement will be: - Tile base cove molding - Wainscoting or decorative trim - Wood or other thick baseboard applications - Half-wall tile
- If there are existing wall treatments, measure smallest distance (i.e. baseboard to baseboard), note on drawings, and request gaps between stile and wall be kept to a minimum (1/2” is minimum gap, 1” is maximum).
Existing Partition Configuration and Materials
- Note existing material, color and condition of partitions.
- Try to match existing components and locations where possible - this reduces the amount of “patch and match” required to fill wall bracket and floor anchor holes.
Other Building Conditions that Cause Problems
- Baseboard heaters
- Drains
- Plumbing/pipe runs
- Windows
- Support beams
- Dropped ceilings
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